This is a collection of bottles and pitchers I have. The 3 middle ones (yellow, green & purple) were given to me by my Grandma Flynn and my Uncle Buddy. My Grandma gave me the yellow and green bottles when I was 13 staying with them for the summer. Buddy came out this summer with his wife Donna and when he saw my other bottles he told me he'd gotten a purple one identical to the yellow one at a yard sale out there in Massachusettes. Anyway, after a little trade, bribery & a beating with a fly-swatter he sent me the matching purple bottle! Nice set I have now thanks to him and Grams.
My first head of Cauliflower! It was seriously 10in. wide and beautiful. I made a yummy soup with it, but my broccoli was bitter so it kinda ruined it--DARN BROCCOLI! So I guess it was only 1/2 way yummy.
Adam and I ran away last weekend and it was very fun! St. George was perfect weather. We rented a little house that had a pool and hot tub in the back yard which was nice. We went to the Tuacahn Theater to see Les Miserable and it was awesome! We ended up seeing an old high school friend Andy Hunsaker there at the play and got to catch up with him and his wife Jan. We did some shopping for the kids mostly and got to sleep in! It was very weird not waking up to Ben crawling into bed with us wiggling and making car sounds. We drove through Snow Canyon (which took like 2 minutes & cost $5!) We also saw an orangey-red house on top of a bluff that was so ugly that Adam had to admit our yellow house was beautiful compared to that (finally). However, we decided we wouldn't mind living there if we could. It was a nice weekend and thanks to Kaffeine & Mom for watching our kidlets so we could go--you're the best Dee & Gouda-Mouda!
Cute pics of the girls--toothless grins and funny smiles.
Here is the magnificent Adam! Isn't he HOT! If you don't know him,I'm sorry because he is one of the funniest and smartest people I know. He likes to talk to himself (never ask him who he's talking to it makes him mad) and loves, loves, loves, ME, our 3 monkeys and playing golf of course. He's determined, disciplined (except for eating ice cream) and easy going. He actually enjoys cleaning and doing laundry! Halleluja! Now ladies I know what you're thinkin'--back off he's mine! The next time you see him boost his ego--tell him he looks like Mr. Incredible and ask him to flex his pecks for you--he loves that, don't you honey!
3 Monkeys
So Cute and Pinchy!
Blogger Gringos
Hello Friends and Family!
We've decided to join the lastest craze of blogging and give it a go! The Smithies is a wild and crazy bunch of 2 boys (which Adam can still be considered) and 3 lovely ladies. Adam and I are going on our 10th year of marriage (yippee skippee!) and we have Samantha who is 6, Ben 4 and Ya-ya (Amelia) 2.5! I hope this is just as fun to do for our family as it has been reading yours. Your Thoughts,