Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Hello Friends and Family
We've decided to join the lastest craze of blogging and give it a go! The Smithies is a wild and crazy bunch of 2 boys (which Adam can still be considered) and 3 lovely ladies. Adam and I are going on our 10th year of marriage (yippee skippee!) and we have Samantha who is 6, Ben 4 and Ya-ya (Amelia) 2.5! We have a great time together and enjoy teasing, playing hide and seek in the dark and calling eachother stinky. ( "You STINKY!....NO! YOU STINKY!" this mostly happens between Ben, Ya-ya and Daddy--but Daddy usually is stinky) You probably didn't want to know that part but the kids worship Daddy--he can do no wrong! I hope this is just as fun to do for our family as it has been reading yours.

Your Thoughts,

1 comment:

Michael said...

Sarah, Adam and the Gang.

What a blast to read your blog. You are all a wonderful family and I love that you are in my life. I really enjoy the love that comes through when reading what you have written. So nice.

I love you all.
