I believe that through many other people's lives; their trials, successes and miracles have impacts on our own. I think a lot of the time we actually realize the many blessings we have when we just take a second to think about it. How many times have my children been blessed with safety (especially Ben), also with good mental and physical health. The blessing of having a beautiful, safe place to live with an awesome husband who takes pride in being a real man!
From seeing my kids learn to ride a bike to having great visiting teachers and amazing friends--I feel so BLESSED!
You're probably thinking what this is all about but, today I found out my cousin Bryan and his wife Marcae just lost their first little girl Kate. She was a miracle and wasn't expected to live as long as she did. She was truly a fighter and so are her parents. They loved her to the ends of the earth and you could see it. It breaks my heart to think of losing my baby. When experiences like this in life come our way-- I can't help but thank God for what he has given me and also for what he hasn't. Kate is free of her tubes and discomfort, but for those left behind it seems to leave a hole. One that can't be filled or ignored. Hopefully through time, the hole lessens in it's depth and darkness, and becomes the your way back. Filled with light, reassurance and a purpose. That someday soon you'll hold your perfect baby again and thank her for helping you get back home.
I have a neighbor who lost her 5-year-old little girl to a brain tumor. She told me of an experience she had soon after her little girl passed away. She told me that one day while at the cemetery visiting her grave and crying why did this have to happen to her, she suddenly heard her little girl's voice very clearly saying, "Mama, some day you will be grateful this happened." My neighbor laughs after this and says, "I'm still waiting to be 'grateful!'".
It has been 5+ years since her little girl passed away but, I'm so amazed at how she has handled it. I could only hope to cope half as well as she does if I'd gone through what she had. But she also has every reason to try her best on this earth because she knows her little girl is waiting for her and all of the family to come back to where she is. What motivation that can give knowing they are there waiting for you. I would think in my neighbors case that the day she is grateful for what happened will be one far from now. She could be laying in bed thinking of her and what she said. Suddenly and quietly understanding, and then feeling the gratitude her daughter told her of long ago.
Anyway, not to be so gloomy but I am grateful everyday that I can tuck all 3 of my kids into their beds and kiss, hug and tickle them whenever I please. I guess it's days like this that make the day you just lived special and grand.